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Showing posts from August, 2018

She may be little, but she has a big presence

So my last post focused on Wade, though the whole point of this blog began with one certain little girl name Kaydence. She's tiny, but her personality is large. She laughs at me most of the time, and I'm not talking about when I'm trying to entertain her. Whooo! She can light a fire in me faster than my other kids. It is with her that I have to do the whole "if you find yourself becoming too angry with your child, go to another room and calm down" thing. "But oh my goodness Wendy, she is too sweet to ignite the dynamite that is your anger." Let me tell you now, no child can be so sweet one minute and so completely opposite the next. When she is ready to snuggle, man I am allllll about it. When she is not, I really have to work to control my brain. Kaydence Grace apparently reads the Bible because she has well-adopted the be hot or cold and never lukewarm stance. She will laugh at you in happiness and then her alter ego comes on out in the blink of and

I'm Just a Mom

I'm just a mom, sitting here, with a keyboard and a screen, asking my brain to shut down enough to get some sleep. Yet I can't get my brain to do that. The night before the first day of school has always been one of those late-night-can't-turn-it-off moments for me, but I think it may be worse now as a mother than it was when I was a teacher. I now realize that tomorrow morning, I'll be packing up a 7th grader, a 3rd grader and a 1st grader for school. While many pieces of my life aren't exactly what I expected, well, I just quit expecting anymore. While I am sinisterly contemplating driving up in a mask in my minivan to pick up my kids from school, I find myself getting misty-eyed thinking back to May as Super K walked down the aisle and across the stage to graduate Kindergarten. It might've been one of the highlights of my motherhood thus far. But tomorrow, yes TOMORROW, she is considered a first grader and is moving to a classroom on the big hall. I know sh