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Kaydence is turning 3!

I realize it's been forever since I've written here, but life is so busy! I felt the urge to write this, because, let's be honest, there is no way Facebook will let me post a status this long. Kaydence turns 3 in a matter of minutes. She will probably be 3 years old by the time I get through writing this post. Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant with her and feeling like I wanted to just wake up from a bad dream. Today, she is turning into a sweet little girl. Where do I even start? I guess I'll start with a word of thanksgiving that God has blessed me with such a treasure. I still don't understand why He would choose me to care for a child like Kaydence Grace. I'm really unworthy of any blessings, yet He chose me for her and her for me. She melts me every single day. You see, I'm still the same sinner I was when I started this blog. I'm not perfect, but He washes away my sins anyway. I'm so thankful. The sins chang...

My Lowest Point

Since we have found happier ground right now , I thought I'd take a moment to share with you what has been my lowest point in this journey thus far - and I hope it is the lowest point period! I know, you're probably wondering why I am regressing to this story, but there may be someone out there who has felt this way and didn't know how to make sense of it, or feels guilty for feeling that way. So the day that I got that call that my amniotic fluid had tested positive for CMV, I texted my pastor and she came right out that afternoon. Tommy, the kids, and I were outside swinging and playing in the sunshine for a little bit when she arrived. She and I went in the house for a little while to pray and counsel. Now, keep in mind, I had already did a lot of thinking before she got there. We again talked about the possibility that God might just choose to take this tiny soul to be with Him. I might not ever know her outside of the womb on earth, but I would know her in Heaven. Pa...

When Your Heart is Full

Today was the perfect spring day. The weather warmed up. The clouds cleared away leaving sunshine to warm your skin while the green grass feels cool beneath your toes. That is what I hope the day is like when I pass from this earth to be in the presence of my Heavenly Father, much like one of my very best friends did today. Life can be so cruel in that so many days it is just full of the best times, and then at the end you are left fighting the struggles of age. Yet so many blessing happen at all points of life, and the final victory is in that eternal life as a believer in Christ. I have known for a while now, that my grandma's life on earth was drawing to an end and for many days I have spent remembering so many great days spent with her. Her house was my absolute favorite place to be and it was easy to be there because we lived just across the pasture. She was my neighbor and I took full advantage of it. I can only slightly remember one incident when I was small that I was not...