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School Smacked Us in the Face!

I must preface this whole entry with: I'm typing on my phone. Please don't judge me based on potential errors. Ha! School started and man, did it ever smack us in the face here in the Neyland household. It started great. Kids all at school. Mom acting like a modern day June Cleaver: walking a few miles at the track each morning, planning meals, cooking every night, and getting all of my shirt orders done. Then....BAM! "Wendy, this is the school nurse and Kaydence is sick." Or "Wendy, I'm so sorry I'm calling again, Abigail has a headache." Within the first few weeks of school, all three of my kids have missed due to illness. Kaydence missed about 7 days off and on. She'd be done and then I'd get a school call. I think we finally got her straightened out, but geeze Louise, it took a while. She had a stomach bug, an ear infection, and a mycoplasma infection. Oh, wait, haven't heard of that? Me either. Apparently it falls within the same category as CMV - very common, but no one knows about it.
I, too, got sick right after Kaydence. It took me about 3 weeks to feel better. Walking at the track ceased as well as planned out meals. I couldn't hardly get myself out of the bed. Attempt to get back on track begins tomorrow. While I chose the mom life, the sick mom life chose me.

I finally got an official e-mail regarding admission into the Kennedy Krieger Institute for Kaydence. Admission should be in November and will last 8 pending. Yes. E-I-G-H-T weeks. In Baltimore. Just Kaydence and me. I am slightly terrified because honestly, taking care of Kaydence with no break is exhausting. I'm not quite sure of my entire role while she is in therapy, but I know that most of that time, I will be watching her from behind a mirrored window. We hope that we will have a room at the Ronald McDonald House in Baltimore, but we won't know that status until about 48 hours prior to our arrival. Yes. That is the part that has me a little worked up. I did explore other options today online and we could, in theory, rent a furnished apartment as apparently many are there for business folks and medical relocation, but that is obviously a small fortune we would like to save for other things.  So here I am again, waiting for God's plan. I feel like I spend a lot of my life waiting patiently to see what God has for my life. It's a hard lesson, but I feel like the waiting part is what has prepared me most for everything. Waiting has given me patience that I have to have for dealing with Kaydence. Waiting has revealed to me on many occasions God's perfect timing. I find myself in awe very regularly of how things just fall right into place and I know that is God-made, not man-made.

My true hope is that at the end of waiting during this 8 weeks, Kaydence will eat food with gusto. That she will be on a healthier path. That she will gain some weight so I don't have to keep taking in all of her pants. That she will feed herself! That she will communicate better. That I will have a solid set of tools to help her. That others will be able to use those same tools for her as well.

 THEN- we will tackle walking better. She is about to get fitted for new orthotics and will get cables to attach to the sides to keep her feet rotated the right direction. I'm praying these help her a lot. Her feet turn in so badly that she has a hard time walking. We have seen an orthopedic doctor regarding that issue, because she has mild hip dysplasia, but we are just going to have to stretch more and, yes, wait. Hopefully, when she is older, no surgery will be necessary.

So, if you need more to pray over, please pray for success with this feeding program and for good hip development. We appreciate all of your prayers.


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