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We are finally headed back to Baltimore

The beginning of the school year will be off to a very different start for our family this year. The big kids will begin school on August 14, while Kaydence will not. Instead, she will be gearing up for a month-long trip to Baltimore yet again.

We were supposed to go in May, but Tommy's employer changed insurance carriers May 1st. I know it sounds strange, but that is when their insurance year begins, however deductibles follow the calendar year. So we changed from United Healthcare to Blue Cross Blue Shield. The jury is still out on how much I like dealing with either company, but I am thankful and grateful to have health insurance - especially for Kaydence. But since the change was effective May 1st, we wouldn't have pre-authorization for the therapy program through BCBS, and we were originally scheduled to begin the program the last day of April. Kennedy Krieger doesn't offer her particular program in the summer, so we had to wait until August. So here we are.

This time I plan on driving, with my parents, to Baltimore. I'm hoping we might feel more comfortable with our own vehicle with us instead of taking an Uber everywhere. My dad will fly back and my mom and I will stay with Kaydence. Tommy will of course, be on dance dad duty back home. (Thank goodness for Pop as he helps chauffeur Wade around quite a bit!) My shirt business will close for a few weeks and I am hoping when I get back I have enough business that I can't even handle it.

The program will consist of 3 hours of therapy daily: PT/OT/Speech. I am really praying and hoping this rigorous schedule will boost her abilities in all areas of movement and self-care. Like, I REALLY need Kaydence to have some self-care skills. She does put food in her mouth when I hand her the spoon. She does pick up a regular glass out of the sink, with dirty dishwater in it, and can give herself a drink out of said glass (yuck!). She holds her arms and legs out when appropriate as I dress her. She can crawl into the bathtub with all of her clothes on and turn on the water and stop up the tub. As well, she can sit and scream like a banshee as I comb her hair each day. She really can do a lot of great things, but we need to do more.

She is seven, and I still care for her like a one-year-old. Y'all, my body is kind of worn out and I don't have the energy to try and fix myself too. I've come to realize that the parents of special needs kids have special needs too. I saw a meme once that read, "Remember that exhaustion you felt with your newborn baby? Parents of special needs kids have felt that way as long as the age of their child." It's true. And I don't say this for any pity party. It's a fact that I feel like people have no clue about. I don't feel like getting out much anymore. I don't want any other kids at my house to take care of. I don't want to try and communicate with the world. But guess what? I really do want those things, I just can't take care of her and do those things. It's honestly too much some days. But on this trip to Baltimore, I plan on making it an adventure for my mom and KK. I want to take them a few places I've been before. I feel like I am getting a really great moment to share with my parents that I may or may not ever have again.

Please be in prayer that Kaydence exceeds all expectations, that our travel is safe, that we have peace of mind, that my big kids have a peace about this, and that our new specialists see the possibilities in our miracle child. God can heal in a big, big way and I have no doubt He can.


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