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Amniocentesis Here I Am

Tommy and I got the kids dropped off everywhere they needed to go that Wednesday morning. I had made arrangements to move a Christmas party that was supposed to be at my house on Thursday and double checked all of that - even if I hadn't been going in for an amniocentesis I would have moved it because I just wasn't in a holiday celebration kind of mood. We took off for Dallas and I got there a little later than I think the doctor wanted me there, but when you are trying to get Abigail Neyland somewhere, it's best to just give up on your own time schedule. She works hard to run the show around our house.
Today, we were to meet with a cardiologist before the amniocentesis. However, that wasn't planned. It was a surprise. Please hear the sarcasm as I say, "Woo Hoo." This doctor was so super sweet as she explained what she was looking for. She looked for a long time and we saw all kinds of cool images of our baby's heart. Then the doctor began to show us and explain that she could see a hole in the baby's heart that was medium-sized, but was only between the two lower chambers of the heart. I have never been so glad in my life to have taken anatomy and physiology and to have taken all of the classes in child development and human growth that I have taken. (God really prepares us!) She told us that about 50% of babies that she sees with this are Down Syndrome, but a lot of times babies with Down Syndrome have larger holes that are in all 4 chambers. This hole may shrink, and close, before the baby is born. And another issue was that her heart measured correctly in size for almost 23 weeks, but the chest didn't seem to be large enough, so she was very concerned that the lungs were not developing correctly.
I knew from the way that both doctors had talked, that they were completely expecting this baby, my Kaydence, to have amniocentesis results of Down Syndrome. I was preparing my mind to wrap around this news because they just seemed to really think this. I had also had some discussions earlier on in my pregnancy with God about this ironically. But you know something, we get blessings in the smallest packages sometimes. A baby with Down Syndrome wasn't what I expected or would ask for, but God chooses us to be parents to the kids we have. Again, who are we to question what He thinks is best? Every baby is blessing no matter what and we are born to be a glory to God, so I knew that Kaydence would be a glory for God because that is why He made her!
So we were taken in to yet another, but much darker, gray room with nothing on the walls. Doctor Gloom, as Tommy refers to her (but she can't help it, it is her business) comes in with 2 nurses. One of the nurses was new and was "training." Her name is Cookie. You just can't help but love someone named Cookie! The doctor did a quick ultrasound to make sure there was enough fluid to do an amnio and to decide where to go in at. Then her partner, Dr. Magee, came in and introduced himself. He would actually be wielding the needle today. He impressed me when he made sure that I did not feel pressured by anyone there to have this done because of the risk of miscarriage. He said, "I just want to make sure that after this that if I were to walk into church on Sunday morning and see you, that I could sit next to you, and not on the pew behind you." Thank you Lord for sending a doctor who knows what church is! I told him I didn't feel pressured, let's go ahead. Kaydence kept moving and I think it surprised them. Dr. Yost said, "You have a really active baby" with the most expression I had heard in her voice yet. I thought, "You should've seen my other 2 kids!"
Tommy was holding my hand and I was probably holding his a little too tightly to be perfectly honest. They raised the table I was on and lowered my head. Then they located the pocket of fluid they wanted to target. Dr. Magee said I would feel a sting and then a cramp (just as Kasey described). But, wow, I was not prepared for that pain! It was the worst deep stinging feeling and cramp I have ever experienced. I heard Dr. Magee very calmly tell me to move my hand - I then realized it was right by the needle. Oops. So I finally remembered to breathe and moved my hand, but holding my breath just seemed so much easier! The doctors then said, okay, you're 1/3 of the way done. What? Just 1/3 of the way? Then it seemed like eternity before they finished. The doctors finished up, said we'll be calling you in a few days with preliminary fish test results and then left us with the nurses. Nurse Cookie looked at me and said I had done real good. (I would hate to see someone who didn't!) I really appreciated her kindness. She left and the other nurse came back in and told me to go home and be on complete bed rest for at least 2 days, and to then take it easy. I asked if I could go to my daughter's Christmas program at the preschool the next day and she just looked at me and said no, I didn't need to risk it. I'd have to get in a car and then what if I got bumped or had to stand or strain. It was just better for me not to move so the hole could close up. I was bummed but I understood. She also told us that there was one patient who did have an unfortunate miscarriage because she didn't take it easy - but she had went dancing at a club. Wow! Who would feel like doing that or be so reckless?
Dr. Yost told me I could get up for eating and bathroom breaks and showers, but past that I could turn from side to side and that was it. Tommy held my hand all the way to the car and honestly I thought I would pass out. We got in the truck and headed back to Centerville. I don't remember much after that. But Tommy and our Asa put new bedding on our bed for me (I had bought it the day before because we were supposed to have a Christmas party Thursday morning and my bedding had been thrown out because Abigail had thrown up all over it at Thanksgiving.) I slept with no issues that day, but I had so many thoughts to deal with.


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