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Last week Kaydence had another good checkup at her Biophysical Profile, which she will get every week until she arrives. The sonographer told us about everything she was looking for and said it all looked good. A top score would be 8 and she was an 8. Praise God! I know that this is in His hands. I know that Kaydence is developing and growing and she will be just fine.

Kaydence will make her debut somewhere around 10 weeks from now. TEN WEEKS! Oh my goodness that doesn't seem very long from now. This past weekend, Tommy and I finally got out Wade's crib and changing table and then we rearranged her room. We set up a full-sized bed as well and poor Tommy moved our bigger bed down to his parent's house so we could use their smaller mattress set. It felt so good to get all of that done! I felt so sure that everything will turn out great. The room feels like a bedroom now, but I have to admit that after I Old Englished every piece of furniture in that room, I could barely move to enjoy it. The crib was so filthy, but it looks brand new now. I will have to post a picture soon.

Funny thing about the filthy crib - it reminds me a lot of how we look as people to God. We are filthy, but just like Old English can make the crib new again, God can do the same thing for you and me! He will wash our sins away. All you have to do is accept Him. I couldn't resist to write that. Life isn't easy for sure no matter what, but I cannot imagine how hard life would be without God's grace.


  1. Such wonderful news! I'm keeping the prayers going up for you, Kaydence, Tommy and Wade.

  2. Oh My Goodness, how could I forget my precious Abigail? She's definitely in my prayers too!


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